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Dutch Engineered Filtration Solutions
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Horizontal Plate Filter

DEFS Horizontal Plate Filters are top-notch systems suitable for a wide range of batch and continuous filtration tasks. The system includes a vertical tank housing several filter plates positioned horizontally. The fluid requiring filtration passes through the filter medium located between these plates. Solid particles accumulate as a filter cake on the medium, while the purified liquid flows through the plates to the outlet for the filtrate.


Maximum cake stability assured
Can be used for numerous batch and continuous filtration processes
No unfiltered hold-over
Any filter media can be used
Filter plates are easy to clean
High flow rates at low pressure drop
Flexibility in operation     
Permits easy cake washing and drying

How does a horizontal plate filter work?

The system is composed of a vertical tank, which containsseveral horizontally positioned filter plates.

The fluid to be filtered is passed over the filter medium positioned between the filter plates.

The collected solids in the form of a filter cake remain on the filter medium and the polished liquid flows through the filter plates to the filtrate outlet.


Housing: Tanks and all wettable parts are available in carbon- and several grades of stainless steel. Internal with rubber-, PVDF- or other elastomer linings. For sanitary applications, a fully electro-polished construction is available.

Filter plates: Available in 316 SS, polypropylene, PVDF, and Hastelloy.


Quick closures: Quick cover closures can be operated or utilized with hydraulics for automated processes. Beneficial for applications with both high and low-pressure operations.

Heating possibilities: Conventional heating jackets, the half pipe system, or the Therm-Plate system.


Activated carbon removal

Pressure Vessel Code & Fitting

PED 2014/68/EU, ASME with “U” Stamp, Certifications for Customs Union Technical Regulation (CUTR) (Russia and Kazakhstan),
SQL (China) SA-1210 (Australia) and other codes stipulated by the client.

Fittings: Flanged connections are in accordance DIN, EN, ANSI Threaded connections to any desired specification.

Horizontal Plate Filter


Horizontal Plate Filter Sulphurnet

The standard Horizontal Plate Filter is designed for batch-wise filtration without leaving a heel. This is accomplished with a specially designed scavenger plate that filters the heel remaining in the tank at the end of a batch. In addition, complete product recovery can be obtained by washing or drying the cake.

Horizontal Plate Filter


Horizontal Plate Filter Sulphurnet

Designed for applications allowing the use of synthetic cloth or wire mesh filter media. The advantage of this filter is that the cartridge can be cleaned without disassembling. Cartridges are cleaned by removing them from the tank, pivoting them on a frame (leaving the plates in a vertical orientation), and cake removal by vibration, tapping, or washing off. Wash-off Filters can be fully automated and the filter cake can be removed in the closed position. For a slurry cake discharge, a sluice system will be implemented.

Horizontal Plate Filter

Reverse Flow

Horizontal Plate Filter RF Sulphurnet

Combines the advantages of horizontal plate orientation with clean filter tank operation. In this model, the contaminated fluid is pumped into the filter through the center column and is then evenly distributed to the filter plates for filtration. After this, the clean fluid flows into the tank and out a drain. All filter cake or solids remain inside the cartridge bundle.

Horizontal Plate Filter

Dual Disc

Horizontal Plate Filter Sulphurnet

Offers double the filtration area compared with standard Horizontal Plate Filters. It is an ideal solution for processes that require the removal of all traces of fine solids in continuous processes with high flow rates. A large filtration area in a small space coupled with low operating cost. It offers greater economy than a “one-time use” cartridge. Retention is down to 0,5 micron. All types of commercially available filter media can be used and process operation temperatures can be as high as 350°C.

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